> It’s not that public investment is inherently bad — far from it, good investments can expand the economy’s productive capacity, increase growth without raising inflation. But this was not the case under the fallen regime.

Other than the giant cricket stadium that looks like a boat, what public investments do you think were unproductive?

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Karnaphuli tunnel, the two satellites, nuclear power plant, various coal fired plants, even some of the expressways and Padma bridge, depending on how you count.

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I can see the tunnel and the two satellites. Government in general needs to deregulate the Telecom industry.

Why would consider the padma bridge to be a waste? Also the recent energy crisis would have been a lot worse if it wasn't for the coal projects.

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Padma bridge is a 'maybe', depending on which traffic numbers and cost figures one believes. The recent energy problems are a result of dodgy deals with providers, including of coal plants. Investment on gas and solar, and removal of subsidies, would have reduced if not solved the energy problems.

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We should have had more investment in solar. But she banned the use of agricultural land which is most of the non urban land in bangladesh - mostly to placate the paranoia of the entitled urban middle class.

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